Data Rules

Current Claim Year: 2024

Quarterly Claims  >  Specification  >  Data Rules  >  ProgramCost

Claims data

Cedars claim data submission comprises of five required relational tables. View each tables field, description, data type and applicable data rules.

Select table to view fields and rules






For more information read the Claims User Guide

Data Rules


The ProgramCost table has a compound primary key. That is, the primary key is made up by two fields instead of one; the ProgramCost table primary key fields are PrgID and PrgYear. Table validation checks that the primary key is unique for every record regardless of the letter case in the values. That is, ExampleProgram and examplePROGRAM are seen as the same value.

ProgramCost data should always be submitted as year-to-date total expenditures for each program.

The data rules require both program cost and measure data for every program in the data so the CET will correctly calculate the program and portfolio accomplishments and cost-effectiveness.

Required fields

Field Name Description Data Type View rules
PA A program administrator code from the CEDARS PA list. Text (up to 255 characters)

ProgramCost.PA is in the PA valuelist.

PrgID The unique and persistent program identifier. The ProgramCost primary key is PrgID and PrgYear in combination. Text (up to 255 characters)

ProgramCost.PrgID is in the Program valuelist.

ProgramCost.PrgID starts with the PA code of the program administrator or 'SW' for statewide claims.

ClaimYearQuarter The year and claim quarter, e.g. '2023Q1'. Text (up to 6 characters)

ProgramCost.ClaimYearQuarter is for the current claim year.

ProgramCost.ClaimYearQuarter is for the current or earlier submission quarter.

ProgramCost.ClaimYearQuarter is in the format '2023Q1'.

PrgYear The claim year. The ProgramCost primary key is PrgID and PrgYear in combination, must match the year in ClaimYearQuarter. Number (integer)

ProgramCost.PrgYear matches the year of ProgramCost.ClaimYearQuarter.

AdminCostsOther Program-level other administration costs (not general administration or overhead). Number (Up to 15 decimal places)
AdminCostsOverheadAndGA Program-level general administration costs and overhead. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)
CostsRecoveredFromOtherSources Program-level costs recovered from other sources. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)
DIActivity Direct implementation activity costs. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)
DIHardwareAndMaterials Direct implementation hardware and materials costs. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)
DIInstallation Direct implementation installation costs. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)
DIRebateAndInspection Direct implementation rebate and inspection costs. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)
EMV Program-level evaluation, measurement, and verification costs. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)
MarketingOutreach Program-level marketing outreach costs. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)
OnBillFinancing Program-level on-bill financing. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)
UserInputIncentive Program-level incentives and rebates. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)