Welcome to CEDARS
The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) welcomes you to the California Energy Data and Reporting System (CEDARS).
CEDARS securely manages California Energy Efficiency Program data reported to the Commission by Investor Owned Utilities, Regional Energy Networks (RENs), and certain Community Choice Aggregators (CCAs.)
Data available on this site are submitted in annual budget filings, quarterly savings claims, and monthly report summaries. The system processes these data through quality checks and validations, and automates cost effectiveness test calculations using the Cost Effectiveness Test tool (CET).

This site contains no personally identifiable information about California energy customers or energy program participants.
CEDARS is optimized for use with Chrome and Firefox browsers.
California Public Utilities Commission Energy Links
The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) helps Californians receive safe, clean, and affordable utility services.
The CPUC regulates ratepayer-funded energy efficiency programs. The CPUC works with the investor-owned utilities, other program administrators, and vendors to develop programs and measures to transform technology markets within California using ratepayer funds.
The CPUC Energy Division Project Status Report (PSR) website provides public access to basic information about currently planned evaluation activities conducted by the CPUC, utilities, Community Choice Aggregators, and Regional Energy Networks. These activities are further described in the joint evaluation plan.
The CPUC Energy Division Public Document Area (PDA) provides public access to Evaluation, Measurement, and Verification documents development by the CPUC and program administrators, including the current master evaluation plan, specific research plans, and draft reports. Users can provide comments on active documents and subscribe to document and topics to receive email updates.
The CPUC Energy Division Ex Ante process estimates the potential energy savings for an energy efficient measure before it is installed based on predictions of typical operating conditions and baseline usage. The process is the basis for utilities to claim savings for their energy efficiency portfolios.
Custom measures and projects are site-specific energy efficiency projects. Custom Projects require unique calculations for each project, as they do not rely on fixed DEER or measure package values.
The Custom Measure and Project Archive (CMPA) website provides upload, browsing, and download of custom project and measure data submitted by program administrators and reviewed by Energy Division.
The CPUC Electronic Technical Reference Manual (eTRM) is a statewide repository of California's deemed measures, including supporting values and documentation.