Data Rules

Current Claim Year: 2024

Quarterly Claims  >  Specification  >  Data Rules  >  Measure

Claims data

Cedars claim data submission comprises of five required relational tables. View each tables field, description, data type and applicable data rules.

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For more information read the Claims User Guide

Data Rules


The Measure table's primary key is ClaimID. Table validation checks that the primary key is unique regardless of the letter case. It also checks that Measure.PrgID matches with a ProgramCost.PrgID and that the Measure.ClaimID matches with a Claim.ClaimID.

Unit cost fields are multiplied by the quantity NumUnits to produce the total cost. Unit savings fields are multiplied by the quantity NumUnits and the other relevant factors to produce the total savings. Detailed equations can be found in the user guide.

Any null value submit for a true/false field is interpreted as false.

Required fields

Field Name Description Data Type View rules
ClaimID The unique and persistent record identifier and the primary key for the Measure table. Must match the corresponding ClaimID in the Claim table. All values must start with the PA code and claim year in the format PA-YYYY. This field was previously called CEInputID. Text (up to 255 characters)
PrgID The unique program identifier; joins to the ProgramCost table. Text (up to 255 characters)

Measure.PrgID is in the Program valuelist.

ClaimYearQuarter The year and quarter when the measure(s) were both installed and paid in e.g. '2023Q1'. Text (up to 6 characters)

Measure.ClaimYearQuarter is for the current claim year.

Measure.ClaimYearQuarter is for the current or earlier submission quarter.

Measure.ClaimYearQuarter is in the format '2023Q1'.

Comments Text field for clarifying comments. Text (any length)
MeasCode PA-specific measure code. Text (up to 255 characters)
MeasDescription Description of measure; should include enough information to allow understanding of what EE measure(s) being installed. Text (any length)
MeasureID Unique and persistent measure identifier. Text (up to 255 characters)
MiscCostsDesc A description of the miscellaneous costs reported in the UnitMiscCosts field. Text (any length)

Measure.MiscCostsDesc is required when Measure.UnitMiscCosts does not equal 0.

MiscBensDesc A description of the miscellaneous benefits reported in the UnitMiscBens field. Text (any length)

Measure.MiscBensDesc is required when Measure.UnitMiscBens does not equal 0.

PreDesc Pre-existing measure description. Text (any length)

Measure.PreDesc is required when Measure.RUL_Yrs is greater than 0.

StdDesc Standard measure description. Text (any length)

Measure.StdDesc is required when Measure.UnitkW1stBaseline does not equal 0 or Measure.UnitkWh1stBaseline does not equal 0 or Measure.UnitkWhIOUWater1stBaseline does not equal 0 or Measure.UnitTherm1stBaseline does not equal 0 or Measure.UnitMeaCost1stBaseline does not equal 0.

SourceDesc The measure package ID for deemed measures. Text (any length)
IOU_AC_Territory The utility avoided costs being used (PGE, SCE, SCG, SDGE). This field was previously called PA. Text (up to 255 characters)

(Measure.IOU_AC_Territory + Measure.E3TargetSector + Measure.E3MeaElecEndUseShape + Measure.E3ClimateZone) is an Avoided Cost Combo when (Measure.UnitkW1stBaseline does not equal 0 or Measure.UnitkWh1stBaseline does not equal 0 or Measure.UnitkWhIOUWater1stBaseline does not equal 0) and (Measure.DeliveryType does not equal 'C&S').

Measure.IOU_AC_Territory is an IOU (PGE, SCE, SCG or SDGE).

Sector Measure-level sector aligned to the program business plan sectors. Text (up to 255 characters)

Measure.Sector is in the Sector valuelist.

WaterUse Water Energy Calculator water used to calculate water energy savings. Text (up to 255 characters)

Measure.WaterUse is empty or is in the WaterUse valuelist.

Measure.WaterUse is required when Measure.UnitkWhIOUWater1stBaseline does not equal 0 or Measure.UnitkWhIOUWater2ndBaseline does not equal 0.

CombustionType CET field that determines the rate of emission savings per MMBTU of reduced natural gas usage from gas conservation. Res Furnace is used as a default if there is no user selection. If not applicable or unknown, then leave the field blank. Text (up to 255 characters)

Measure.CombustionType is empty or is in the CombustionType valuelist.

E3ClimateZone The geographic area where the installation is completed. The CEC designates micro-climate and ranges from 1 - 16. Use 'System' if a program or measure installation is not specific to an area or city. Required for cost effectiveness calc; Must be compatible with CET values (e.g. '3A'). Text (up to 255 characters)

Measure.E3ClimateZone is in the E3ClimateZone valuelist.

(Measure.IOU_AC_Territory + Measure.E3TargetSector + Measure.E3MeaElecEndUseShape + Measure.E3ClimateZone) is an Avoided Cost Combo when (Measure.UnitkW1stBaseline does not equal 0 or Measure.UnitkWh1stBaseline does not equal 0 or Measure.UnitkWhIOUWater1stBaseline does not equal 0) and (Measure.DeliveryType does not equal 'C&S').

E3GasSavProfile Used to profile typical period of use for gas appliances/measures. Required for cost effectiveness calculation for measures with gas savings (e.g. 'Summer Only', 'Winter Only', 'Annual'). Text (up to 255 characters)

Measure.E3GasSavProfile is empty or is in the E3GasSavProfile valuelist.

Measure.E3GasSavProfile is required when Measure.UnitTherm1stBaseline does not equal 0 and Measure.DeliveryType does not equal 'C&S'.

E3GasSector Used to determine how gas is purchased by the customer (e.g. 'Residential', 'Commercial', 'Core'). Required for cost effectiveness calculation for measures with gas savings. Text (up to 255 characters)

Measure.E3GasSector is empty or is in the E3GasSector valuelist.

Measure.E3GasSector is required when Measure.UnitTherm1stBaseline does not equal 0 and Measure.DeliveryType does not equal 'C&S'.

E3MeaElecEndUseShape Identifies the measure electric end use shape (i.e. load shape). Required for cost effectiveness calculation for measures with electric savings. Text (up to 255 characters)

Measure.E3MeaElecEndUseShape is empty or is in the E3MeaElecEndUseShape valuelist.

Measure.E3MeaElecEndUseShape is required when (Measure.UnitkW1stBaseline does not equal 0 or Measure.UnitkWh1stBaseline does not equal 0 or Measure.UnitkWhIOUWater1stBaseline does not equal 0) and (Measure.DeliveryType does not equal 'C&S').

(Measure.IOU_AC_Territory + Measure.E3TargetSector + Measure.E3MeaElecEndUseShape + Measure.E3ClimateZone) is an Avoided Cost Combo when (Measure.UnitkW1stBaseline does not equal 0 or Measure.UnitkWh1stBaseline does not equal 0 or Measure.UnitkWhIOUWater1stBaseline does not equal 0) and (Measure.DeliveryType does not equal 'C&S').

E3TargetSector Identifies the sector being targeted by the measure intervention. Required for cost effectiveness calculation for measures with electric savings. Text (up to 255 characters)

Measure.E3TargetSector is empty or is in the E3TargetSector valuelist.

Measure.E3TargetSector is required when (Measure.UnitkW1stBaseline does not equal 0 or Measure.UnitkWh1stBaseline does not equal 0 or Measure.UnitkWhIOUWater1stBaseline does not equal 0) and (Measure.DeliveryType does not equal 'C&S').

(Measure.IOU_AC_Territory + Measure.E3TargetSector + Measure.E3MeaElecEndUseShape + Measure.E3ClimateZone) is an Avoided Cost Combo when (Measure.UnitkW1stBaseline does not equal 0 or Measure.UnitkWh1stBaseline does not equal 0 or Measure.UnitkWhIOUWater1stBaseline does not equal 0) and (Measure.DeliveryType does not equal 'C&S').

RateScheduleElec CET field to specify measure-level electric rate schedule, overrides CET default. Used to differentiate between customer types and system average rates. Text (up to 255 characters)

Measure.RateScheduleElec is empty or is in the RateScheduleElec valuelist.

RateScheduleGas CET field to specify measure-level gas rate schedule, overrides CET default. Used to differentiate between customer types and system average rates. Text (up to 255 characters)

Measure.RateScheduleGas is empty or is in the RateScheduleGas valuelist.

BldgType From DEER. Text codes that identify the building type/use and other parameters specific to that building use. For example, 'Com' = Commercial buildings. Text (up to 255 characters)

Measure.BldgType is in the BldgType valuelist.

DeliveryType From DEER. Identifies program implementation strategy/method of delivering a measure to a customer (e.g. direct install). Text (up to 255 characters)

Measure.DeliveryType is in the DeliveryType valuelist.

EUL_ID From DEER. Identifier from the EUL table which specifies the estimated useful life of the measure technology. Text (up to 255 characters)

Measure.EUL_ID is empty or is in the EUL valuelist.

Measure.EUL_ID is required when Claim.ClaimType equals 'Deemed'.

GSIA_ID Reference to the Ex Ante Gross Savings and Installation Adjustment table. Text (up to 255 characters)

Measure.GSIA_ID is empty or is in the GSIA valuelist.

Measure.GSIA_ID is required when Claim.ClaimType equals 'Deemed'.

MeasAppType From DEER. The measure application identifies the context for the measure's installation. (e.g. accelerated replacement, new construction or behavioral). Text (up to 255 characters)

Measure.MeasAppType is in the MeasAppType valuelist.

MeasImpactType From DEER. Describes how the savings impact was determined (e.g. Deemed-DEER, Deemed-Workpaper, Site-specific calculation, etc.). Text (up to 255 characters)

Measure.MeasImpactType is in the MeasImpactType valuelist.

NormUnit Type of normalizing units, or basis of NumUnits or quantity used by the cost effectiveness calculation (e.g. 'Lamp', 'hp', 'tons', 'facility', etc.). Text (up to 255 characters)

Measure.NormUnit is in the NormUnit valuelist.

NTG_ID From DEER. The Ex Ante NTG_ID associated with the NTG values being claimed. Text (up to 255 characters)

Measure.NTG_ID is empty or is in the NTG valuelist.

Measure.NTG_ID is required when Measure.DeliveryType does not equal 'C&S'.

RUL_ID From DEER. For dual baseline measures, specifies a row in the EUL table that identifies the remaining useful life of the existing technology. Text (up to 255 characters)

Measure.RUL_ID is empty or is in the EUL valuelist.

Measure.RUL_ID is required when Claim.ClaimType equals 'Deemed' and Measure.RUL_Yrs is greater than 0.

TechGroup From DEER. All Technology Types in an end use are associated with a high-level Technology Group. For example, in the 'lighting' end use all screw-in lighting technologies, including compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), light-emitting diodes (LEDs), and incandescent lamps are part of a Technology Group. All hard-wired lighting fixtures are part of a different Technology Group. Text (up to 255 characters)

Measure.TechGroup is in the TechGroup valuelist.

TechType From DEER. Technology Type is more specific than Technology Group. For example, a Technology Group can be further classified into individual parts. For example, all screw-in lighting technologies, including compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), light-emitting diodes (LEDs), and incandescent lamps are included in the same Technology Group. Text (up to 255 characters)

Measure.TechType is in the TechType valuelist.

UseCategory From DEER. Describes the end use of the measure in broad terms (e.g. HVAC, lighting, motors, refrigeration, process). Text (up to 255 characters)

Measure.UseCategory is in the UseCategory valuelist.

UseSubCategory From DEER. This is a more specific end use subcategory (e.g. the Lighting UseCategory contains Indoor General, Exit Signs, etc.). Text (up to 255 characters)

Measure.UseSubCategory is in the UseSubCategory valuelist.

Version The version of the work paper or DEER (e.g. 2013 Ex-Ante). Text (up to 255 characters)

Measure.Version is empty or is in the Version valuelist.

Measure.Version is required when Claim.ClaimType equals 'Deemed'.

EUL_Yrs Effective useful life of EE measure in years. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)

Measure.EUL_Yrs is less than or equal to 40.

RUL_Yrs For dual baseline measures, specifies the remaining useful life of pre-existing measure in years. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)

Measure.RUL_Yrs equals 0 when Measure.MeasAppType does not equal 'AR'.

Measure.RUL_Yrs is greater than 0 when Measure.MeasAppType equals 'AR' and Measure.MeasImpactType does not equal 'Cust-NMEC-Pop' and Measure.MeasImpactType does not equal 'Cust-NMEC-Site'.

Measure.RUL_Yrs is greater than 0 when Measure.UnitkW2ndBaseline does not equal 0 or Measure.UnitkWh2ndBaseline does not equal 0 or Measure.UnitTherm2ndBaseline does not equal 0 or Measure.UnitMeaCost2ndBaseline does not equal 0 or Measure.UnitkWhIOUWater2ndBaseline does not equal 0.

Measure.RUL_Yrs is less than the value of Measure.EUL_Yrs when Measure.RUL_Yrs is greater than 0 and Measure.EUL_Yrs is greater than 0.

NumUnits Number of units or quantity. NumUnits must work in conjunction with the NormUnit value for the claim. Cross reference NormUnit and NumUnits before interpreting quantities of measures installed. This field is used in CEDARS cost and savings equations. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)
MeasInflation CET field to specify measure-level inflation rate, overrides CET default. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)

Measure.MeasInflation is empty or is greater than or equal to 0.

Measure.MeasInflation is empty or is less than or equal to 1.

NTGRkW kW-specific NTG value. Usually, there is one NTG value entered for all NTGR fields. Developed through evaluation studies. NTG describes the free-ridership that may be occurring within energy efficiency programs. This field is used in CEDARS savings equations. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)
NTGRkWh kWh-specific NTG value. Usually, there is one NTG value entered for all NTGR fields. Developed through evaluation studies. NTG describes the free-ridership that may be occurring within energy efficiency programs. This field is used in CEDARS savings equations. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)
NTGRTherm Therm-specific NTG value. Usually, there is one NTG value entered for all NTGR fields. Developed through evaluation studies. NTG describes the free-ridership that may be occurring within energy efficiency programs. This field is used in CEDARS savings equations. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)
NTGRCost Cost-specific NTG value. Usually, there is one NTG value entered for all NTGR fields. Developed through evaluation studies. NTG describes the free-ridership that may be occurring within energy efficiency programs. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)
RealizationRatekW Ex ante adjustment factor: kW weighted Realization rate for all measures included in this claim record. This field is used in CEDARS savings equations. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)

Measure.RealizationRatekW is greater than 0.

Measure.RealizationRatekW is less than or equal to 2.

RealizationRatekWh Ex ante adjustment factor: kWh weighted Realization rate for all measures included in this claim record. This field is used in CEDARS savings equations. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)

Measure.RealizationRatekWh is greater than 0.

Measure.RealizationRatekWh is less than or equal to 2.

RealizationRateTherm Ex ante adjustment factor: Therm weighted Realization rate for all measures included in this claim record. This field is used in CEDARS savings equations. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)

Measure.RealizationRateTherm is greater than 0.

Measure.RealizationRateTherm is less than or equal to 2.

InstallationRatekW Ex ante adjustment factor, generally developed by evaluation studies of prior year programs. kW weighted installation rate for all measures included in the associated claim. This field is used in CEDARS savings equations. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)

Measure.InstallationRatekW is greater than 0.

Measure.InstallationRatekW is less than or equal to 1.

InstallationRatekWh Ex ante adjustment factor, generally developed by evaluation studies of prior year programs. kWh weighted installation rate for all measures included in the associated claim. This field is used in CEDARS savings equations. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)

Measure.InstallationRatekWh is greater than 0.

Measure.InstallationRatekWh is less than or equal to 1.

InstallationRateTherm Ex ante adjustment factor, generally developed by evaluation studies of prior year programs. Therm weighted installation rate for all measures included in the associated claim. This field is used in CEDARS savings equations. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)

Measure.InstallationRateTherm is greater than 0.

Measure.InstallationRateTherm is less than or equal to 1.

UnitkW1stBaseline The first baseline kW Impact per Unit. This field is used in CEDARS savings equations. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)
UnitkWh1stBaseline The first baseline kWh Impact per Unit. This field is used in CEDARS savings equations. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)
UnitTherm1stBaseline The first baseline therm Impact per Unit. This field is used in CEDARS savings equations. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)
UnitkW2ndBaseline The second baseline kW impact per unit for dual baseline measures. This field is used in CEDARS savings equations. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)

Measure.UnitkW2ndBaseline equals 0 when Measure.RUL_Yrs equals 0.

UnitkWh2ndBaseline The second baseline kWh impact per unit for dual baseline measures. This field is used in CEDARS savings equations. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)

Measure.UnitkWh2ndBaseline equals 0 when Measure.RUL_Yrs equals 0.

UnitTherm2ndBaseline The second baseline therm impact per unit for dual baseline measures. This field is used in CEDARS savings equations. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)

Measure.UnitTherm2ndBaseline equals 0 when Measure.RUL_Yrs equals 0.

UnitkWhIOUWater1stBaseline The first baseline kWh impact per unit due to water savings. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)
UnitkWhIOUWater2ndBaseline The second baseline kWh impact per unit due to water savings. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)
UnitGasInfraBens The unit benefits due to gas infrastructure savings. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)
UnitRefrigBens The unit benefits due to refrigeration savings. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)
UnitMiscBens The unit benefits not captured in other benefit fields. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)
UnitMeaCost1stBaseline This field is the installed measure cost. Incremental Measure Cost or Full Measure Cost for the first baseline period, as appropriate for the MeasAppType and DeliveryType. Incremental measure cost over Code/Std for single baseline measures. This field is not used for dual baseline Cost effectiveness calculations, except when calculating excess incentives (for single and dual baseline measures). This field is used in CEDARS cost equations. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)
UnitMeaCost2ndBaseline NPV gross measure cost based on first and second baseline measure costs. The Desktop CET called this field 'Gross Measure Cost_ER' (where ER = early retirement, aka accelerated replacement). This is the only measure cost field used for dual baseline CE calculations, except UnitMeaCost1stBaseline is used to calculate excess incentives (for single and dual baseline measures). This field is used in CEDARS cost equations. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)
UnitDirectInstallLab This field is the actual cost in dollars of installation labor. Enter the unit incentive for labor. Cost effectiveness calculator uses this field; and overrides ExAnte values for deemed claims, and is one of two incentive fields for Direct Install. Only use if a direct install. This field is used in CEDARS cost equations. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)
UnitDirectInstallMat This field is the actual cost in dollars of installation materials. Enter the unit incentive for materials. Cost effectiveness calculator uses this field; and overrides ExAnte values for deemed claims, and is one of two incentive fields for Direct Install. Only use if direct install. This field is used in CEDARS cost equations. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)
UnitEndUserRebate This field is the actual cost of rebates to the end user in dollars. Enter rebate to the customer for each unit of the measure. Cost effectiveness calculator uses this field, and overrides ExAnte values for deemed claims. Only use if downstream deliver type. This field is used in CEDARS cost equations. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)
UnitIncentiveToOthers This field is the actual cost in dollars of incentives to others besides the end user. Enter the incentive for others for each unit of measure. Cost effectiveness calculator uses this field; and overrides ExAnte values for deemed claims. Only use if midstream or upstream delivery type. Input should always be '0' for custom measures This field is used in CEDARS cost equations. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)
UnitRefrigCosts The unit cost in dollars for refrigeration. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)
UnitMiscCosts The unit cost in dollars that is not captured in other cost fields. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)
Residential_Flag The measure was installed in a residential setting. Boolean (0 for false, 1 for true)
Upstream_Flag The measure was delivered via an upstream delivery type, i.e. targeted the beginning of the supply chain (e.g. the manufacturer). Boolean (0 for false, 1 for true)