Data Rules
Current Claim Year: 2024
Last updated: 19 August, 2024
Quarterly Claims > Specification > Data Rules > ContactClaim
Claims data
Cedars claim data submission comprises of five required relational tables. View each tables field, description, data type and applicable data rules.
The ContactClaim table has a compound primary key. That is, the primary key is made up of two fields instead of one; The ContactID and ClaimID in combination need to be unique. That allows that one contact may be associated with more than one claim, and one claim may be associated with more than one contact.
Table validation checks that every record’s primary key is unique regardless of the letter case in the values. It also checks that ContactClaim.ClaimID matches with a Claim.ClaimID. The ContactID field also joins the PII Contact table.
Required fields
Field Name | Description | Data Type | View rules |
ClaimID | The persistent record identifier that matches with a Claim.ClaimID. All values must start with the PA code and claim the year in the format PA-YYYY. Part of the ContactClaim table compound primary key - the ContactID and ClaimID in combination need to be unique. | Text (up to 255 characters) | |
ContactID | The persistent record identifier that matches to the PII Contact table. All values must start with the PA code. Part of the ContactClaim table compound primary key - the ContactID and ClaimID in combination need to be unique. | Text (up to 255 characters) | |
ContactClaim.ContactID starts with the PA code of the program administrator or 'SW' for statewide claims. |