Data Rules

Current Claim Year: 2024

Quarterly Claims  >  Specification  >  Data Rules  >  Claim

Claims data

Cedars claim data submission comprises of five required relational tables. View each tables field, description, data type and applicable data rules.

Select table to view fields and rules






For more information read the Claims User Guide

Data Rules


The Claim table's primary key is ClaimID. Table validation checks that the primary key is unique regardless of the letter case. It also checks that Claim.ClaimID matches with a ContactClaim.Claim ID, Claim.ClaimID matches with a Measure.ClaimID, and that Claim.SiteID matches with a Site.SiteID.

Any null value submit for a true/false field is interpreted as false.

Required fields

Field Name Description Data Type View rules
ClaimID The unique and persistent record identifier and the primary key for the Claim table. Must match the corresponding ClaimID (previously CEInputID) in the Measure table. All values must start with the PA code and claim year in the format PA-YYYY. Text (up to 255 characters)

Claim.ClaimID matches at least one ContactClaim.ClaimID when Claim.ClaimID does not end with one of ('Audit', 'Placeholder') and Measure.MeasImpactType does not start with 'Cust-NMEC-Pop' and Program.ProgramCategory does not equal 'Energy Savings Assistance' and Program.ProgramSegment is populated and Program.ProgramSegment does not equal 'Codes and Standards'.

Claim.ClaimID starts with the PA code of the program administrator or 'SW' for statewide claims, then a dash, then the claim year, e.g. PGE-2023.

ParentClaimID All values must start with the PA code and claim year in the format PA-YYYY. Text (up to 255 characters)
SiteID The unique and persistent record identifier and the primary key for the Site table. Must match a SiteID in the Site table. All values must start with the PA code. Text (up to 255 characters)

Claim.SiteID is required when Claim.ClaimID does not end with one of ('Audit', 'Placeholder') and Measure.MeasImpactType does not start with 'Cust-NMEC-Pop' and Program.ProgramCategory does not equal 'Energy Savings Assistance' and Program.ProgramSegment is populated and Program.ProgramSegment does not equal 'Codes and Standards'.

ApplicationCode A PA-specific code assigned to the incentive application. Text (up to 255 characters)
IETableName Specifies the Ex Ante interactive effects table referenced. Text (up to 255 characters)
NAICSBldgType The NAICS description of the business/facility where the measure was installed, e.g. Cotton Farming. Not used for residential measures. Text (up to 255 characters)
MeasTechID ExAnte specific measure technology identifier. Text (up to 255 characters)
PrgElement Program element or sub-program definition. Text (up to 255 characters)
ProjectDescription Description of the project including enough information to allow understanding of the measure(s) being installed. Text (up to 255 characters)
ProjectID The unique and persistent project identifier. Text (up to 255 characters)

Claim.ProjectID is required when Claim.ClaimType equals 'Deemed'.

WhySavingsZeroed Clarifying comment or details on why a program has no savings. Text (up to 255 characters)
WhyCostsZeroed Clarifying comment or details on why a program has no costs. Text (up to 255 characters)
Comments Clarifying comments or details not included in the other data reporting fields. Text (any length)
ClaimType Either custom or deemed. Text (up to 255 characters)
FundingCycle The program cycle that funded the measure. Text (up to 255 characters)

Claim.FundingCycle is in the FundingCycle valuelist.

SEM_Phase Program cycle, reporting period and year that the SEM (Strategic Energy Management) program savings are being claimed from e.g. SEM Program Cycle 1, Reporting Period 1, SEM Program Year 1. From the SEM_Phase value list. Replaces previous SEM fields (SEM_ProgramCycle, SEM_ReportingPeriod, SEM_ProgramYear). Text (up to 255 characters)

Claim.SEM_Phase is empty or is in the SEM_Phase valuelist.

BldgLoc Standard ExAnte Building Location/Climate Zone. Text (up to 255 characters)

Claim.BldgLoc is in the BldgLoc valuelist.

BldgVint Standard ExAnte Building Vintage. Text (up to 255 characters)

Claim.BldgVint is in the BldgVint valuelist.

BldgHVAC Standard ExAnte Building HVAC Type. Text (up to 255 characters)

Claim.BldgHVAC is in the BldgHVAC valuelist.

DEER_MeasureID DEER Measure ID referenced by implementation. Text (up to 255 characters)

Claim.DEER_MeasureID is empty or is in the DEER_MeasureID valuelist.

DEER_Sector Measure-level sector conforming to the Sectors listed in DEER. Text (up to 255 characters)

Claim.DEER_Sector is in the DEER_Sector valuelist.

MeasImpactCalcType Standard DEER type of measure impact calculation, e.g. Standard. Text (up to 255 characters)

Claim.MeasImpactCalcType is empty or is in the MeasImpactCalcType valuelist.

Claim.MeasImpactCalcType is required when Claim.ClaimType equals 'Deemed'.

InstalledNormUnit Describes the normalization unit associated with the InstalledNumUnit (quantity) of the installed measure if different from the NormUnit associated with the NumUnit in the claim; This is descriptive and not used by the cost effectiveness calculator. Text (up to 255 characters)

Claim.InstalledNormUnit is empty or is in the NormUnit valuelist.

CMPA_ApplicationID The Application ID for the project reported to CMPA. Text (up to 255 characters)

Claim.CMPA_ApplicationID is required when Claim.ClaimID does not end with one of ('Audit', 'Placeholder') and Claim.ClaimType equals 'Custom' and Measure.MeasImpactType does not start with 'Cust-NMEC-Pop' and Program.ProgramCategory does not equal 'Energy Savings Assistance' and Program.ProgramSegment is populated and Program.ProgramSegment does not equal 'Codes and Standards'.

Claim.CMPA_ApplicationID is empty or is in the ApplicationID valuelist. [WARNING ONLY]

CMPA_MeasureCode The code for the measure reported to CMPA. Text (up to 255 characters)

Claim.CMPA_MeasureCode is empty or is in the MeasureCode valuelist. [WARNING ONLY]

MeasDetailID The unique identifier of the eTRM permutation. Text (up to 255 characters)

Claim.MeasDetailID is not 'a restricted permutation' when Claim.ClaimType equals 'Deemed' and Program.ProgramSegment is populated and Program.ProgramSegment does not equal 'Equity' and Claim.ApplicationDate is after 12/31/2023.

Claim.MeasDetailID is empty or is in the MeasDetailID valuelist.

Claim.MeasDetailID is required when Claim.ClaimType equals 'Deemed'.

TotalFirstYearGrosskW Total first year gross kW savings to be claimed. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)

Claim.TotalFirstYearGrosskW is accurate to within 0.1%.

TotalFirstYearGrosskWh Total first year gross kWh savings to be claimed. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)

Claim.TotalFirstYearGrosskWh is accurate to within 0.1%.

TotalFirstYearGrossTherm Total first year gross therm savings to be claimed. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)

Claim.TotalFirstYearGrossTherm is accurate to within 0.1%.

TotalFirstYearNetkW Total first year net kW savings to be claimed. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)

Claim.TotalFirstYearNetkW is accurate to within 0.1%.

TotalFirstYearNetkWh Total first year net kWh savings to be claimed. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)

Claim.TotalFirstYearNetkWh is accurate to within 0.1%.

TotalFirstYearNetTherm Total first year net therm savings to be claimed. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)

Claim.TotalFirstYearNetTherm is accurate to within 0.1%.

TotalLifecycleGrosskW Total life time gross kW savings to be claimed. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)

Claim.TotalLifecycleGrosskW is accurate to within 0.1%.

TotalLifecycleGrosskWh Total life time gross kWh savings to be claimed. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)

Claim.TotalLifecycleGrosskWh is accurate to within 0.1%.

TotalLifecycleGrossTherm Total life time gross therm savings to be claimed. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)

Claim.TotalLifecycleGrossTherm is accurate to within 0.1%.

TotalLifecycleNetkW Total life time net kW savings to be claimed. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)

Claim.TotalLifecycleNetkW is accurate to within 0.1%.

TotalLifecycleNetkWh Total life time net kWh savings to be claimed. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)

Claim.TotalLifecycleNetkWh is accurate to within 0.1%.

TotalLifecycleNetTherm Total life time net therm savings to be claimed. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)

Claim.TotalLifecycleNetTherm is accurate to within 0.1%.

TotalGrossMeasureCost Total gross measure cost to be claimed. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)

Claim.TotalGrossMeasureCost is accurate to within 0.1%.

TotalGrossMeasureCost_ER Total gross early retirement measure cost to be claimed. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)

Claim.TotalGrossMeasureCost_ER is accurate to within 0.1%.

TotalGrossIncentive Total gross incentive to be claimed. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)

Claim.TotalGrossIncentive is accurate to within 0.1%.

TotalCustomerInfrastructureCosts Total customer infrastructure costs. Required for fuel sub. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)

Claim.TotalCustomerInfrastructureCosts is required when Measure.MeasImpactType ends with 'FuelSub'.

PartialPaymentPercent The percent of payment associated with the incentives included in the claim record. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)

Claim.PartialPaymentPercent is empty or is greater than or equal to 0.

Claim.PartialPaymentPercent is empty or is less than or equal to 1.

Claim.PartialPaymentPercent is required when Claim.PartialPaymentFinal_Flag equals true.

WaterGallons Water Energy Calculator gallons water savings used to calculate water energy savings. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)
InstalledNumUnits Quantity of the installed measure associated with the InstalledNormUnit if different from the NumUnit associated with the NormUnit in the claim. The CET does not use this field. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)
IDSM_DR Integrated Demand Side Management, Demand Response. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)
IDSM_DER Integrated Demand Side Management, Multi Demand Energy Response. Number (Up to 15 decimal places)
OriginalMeterInstallYear Year that the original meter was installed. Required for fuel sub. Number (integer)

Claim.OriginalMeterInstallYear is required when Measure.DeliveryType does not equal 'UpDeemed' and Measure.MeasImpactType ends with 'FuelSub'.

CCAREN_Flag Community Choice Aggregator (CCA) and Regional Energy Network (REN). Flag to identify claims that had participation by a REN or CCA. For PAs who are a REN or CCA, this flag should be true for all claims. Boolean (0 for false, 1 for true)

Claim.CCAREN_Flag equals true when UploadPA is a CCA/REN.

CalEPA_Flag California Environmental Protection Agency. Flag to identify measures installed in a zip code that is in a disadvantaged community as identified by CalEPA. Boolean (0 for false, 1 for true)
ETP_Flag Emerging Technology Program. Flag to identify that the measure is a product of an emerging techonology program. Boolean (0 for false, 1 for true)
HTR_Flag Hard to Reach. Flag to identify the measure was installed in a hard to reach location. Boolean (0 for false, 1 for true)
Lang_Flag Language. Meets language barrier for hard to reach. Boolean (0 for false, 1 for true)
NRSize_Flag Flag to identify projects at businesses with less than ten employees or less than 20 kW. Boolean (0 for false, 1 for true)
NRLease_Flag Flag to identify measures that are installed at locations that are leased or rented. Boolean (0 for false, 1 for true)
OBF_Flag On Bill Financing. Flag to identify measures that had on-bill financing. Boolean (0 for false, 1 for true)
OMBCSA_Flag United States Office of Management and Budget. Flag to identify measures installed in a zip code outside of defined US Office of Management & Budget statistical areas for hard to reach. Boolean (0 for false, 1 for true)
PartialPaymentFinal_Flag The claim is the final payment of a set of partial payments. Boolean (0 for false, 1 for true)
PublicK_12_Flag Public primary and secondary schools up to 12th grade. Flag to identify public K-12 schools Boolean (0 for false, 1 for true)
ResLI_Flag Residential Low Income. Meets income definition for low income rate - CARE or FERA. Boolean (0 for false, 1 for true)
ResMFMH_Flag Residential Multi-Family or Manufactured Home. Flag to identify multi-family homes and manufactured homes. Boolean (0 for false, 1 for true)
Revised_Flag Flag to identify that claim was revised since it was originally submitted. Boolean (0 for false, 1 for true)
Underserved_Flag Flag to indentify program is in an underserved community. Boolean (0 for false, 1 for true)
CA_Flag Flag to identify Cultural Accessibility - HTR (Hard to reach). Boolean (0 for false, 1 for true)
LG_Flag Flag to indentify Local Government customer - HTR (Hard to reach). Boolean (0 for false, 1 for true)
ApplicationDate Initiation date for a project or measure, e.g. contract date, application date, or program enrollment date. Date

Claim.ApplicationDate is within the start and end dates of all the values supplied of Claim.BldgHVAC, Claim.DEER_MeasureID, Claim.MeasDetailID, Measure.BldgType, Measure.EUL_ID, Measure.MeasImpactType, Measure.NTG_ID, Measure.TechGroup and Measure.TechType when ((Claim.ShipmentDate is empty and Measure.DeliveryType equals 'UpDeemed' and Measure.Upstream_Flag equals 'True') or (Claim.SalesDate is empty and Measure.DeliveryType equals 'UpDeemed' and Measure.Upstream_Flag equals 'False') or (Claim.ApplicationDate is before Claim.ComplianceCertDate and Claim.ComplianceCertDate is populated and Claim.PermitIssuanceDate is empty and Measure.DeliveryType equals 'DnDeemed') or (Claim.ApplicationDate is before Claim.InstallationDate and Claim.ComplianceCertDate is empty and Claim.PermitIssuanceDate is empty and Measure.DeliveryType equals 'DnDeemed') or (Claim.ApplicationDate is before Claim.InstallationDate and Claim.PermitIssuanceDate is empty and Measure.DeliveryType equals 'DnDeemDI')) and (Claim.ApplicationDate is after 12/31/2023).

AuthorizedSignatureDate The date the rebate/incentive was approved for payment Date
CustomerAgreementDate The date the agreement including the project specifics (measures and potential incentives) was signed/approved by both the customer and the IOU or their agents. Date

Claim.CustomerAgreementDate is empty or is within 9 years of the date the claim is uploaded.

ComplianceCertDate The date the Title 24 building compliance certificate was issued. Only use for Deemed measures. Date

Claim.ComplianceCertDate is within the start and end dates of all the values supplied of Claim.BldgHVAC, Claim.DEER_MeasureID, Claim.MeasDetailID, Measure.BldgType, Measure.EUL_ID, Measure.MeasImpactType, Measure.NTG_ID, Measure.TechGroup and Measure.TechType when Claim.PermitIssuanceDate is empty and Claim.ComplianceCertDate is populated and Measure.DeliveryType equals 'DnDeemed' and Claim.ComplianceCertDate is on or before Claim.ApplicationDate and Claim.ComplianceCertDate is after 12/31/2023.

InstallationDate The date the project measure was installed, was operational and started providing savings. Date

Claim.InstallationDate is within the start and end dates of all the values supplied of Claim.BldgHVAC, Claim.DEER_MeasureID, Claim.MeasDetailID, Measure.BldgType, Measure.EUL_ID, Measure.MeasImpactType, Measure.NTG_ID, Measure.TechGroup and Measure.TechType when ((Claim.InstallationDate is on or before Claim.ApplicationDate and Claim.PermitIssuanceDate is empty and Measure.DeliveryType equals 'DnDeemDI') or (Claim.ComplianceCertDate is empty and Claim.InstallationDate is on or before Claim.ApplicationDate and Claim.PermitIssuanceDate is empty and Measure.DeliveryType equals 'DnDeemed')) and (Claim.InstallationDate is after 12/31/2023).

Claim.InstallationDate is within 9 years of the date the claim is uploaded.

PaidDate The date the cost has incurred. Date

Claim.PaidDate is empty or is within 9 years of the date the claim is uploaded.

ProjectCompletionDate The date the project, including all required internal and external verification and EM&V was completed. Date

Claim.ProjectCompletionDate is within 9 years of the date the claim is uploaded.

StartDate From DeemedMeasure table. The first date that the implementation is to be referenced by claims. The start date for the relevant values from the referenced work paper. Date
PermitIssuanceDate The date the building permit was issued. Date

Claim.PermitIssuanceDate is within the start and end dates of all the values supplied of Claim.BldgHVAC, Claim.DEER_MeasureID, Claim.MeasDetailID, Measure.BldgType, Measure.EUL_ID, Measure.MeasImpactType, Measure.NTG_ID, Measure.TechGroup and Measure.TechType when Claim.PermitIssuanceDate is populated and Measure.DeliveryType starts with 'DnDeem' and Claim.PermitIssuanceDate is after 12/31/2023.

ShipmentDate The date the measure was shipped to the customer. Date

Claim.ShipmentDate is within the start and end dates of all the values supplied of Claim.BldgHVAC, Claim.DEER_MeasureID, Claim.MeasDetailID, Measure.BldgType, Measure.EUL_ID, Measure.MeasImpactType, Measure.NTG_ID, Measure.TechGroup and Measure.TechType when Claim.ShipmentDate is populated and Measure.DeliveryType equals 'UpDeemed' and Measure.Upstream_Flag equals true and Claim.ShipmentDate is after 12/31/2023.

SalesDate The date the measure was purchased by the customer. Date

Claim.SalesDate is within the start and end dates of all the values supplied of Claim.BldgHVAC, Claim.DEER_MeasureID, Claim.MeasDetailID, Measure.BldgType, Measure.EUL_ID, Measure.MeasImpactType, Measure.NTG_ID, Measure.TechGroup and Measure.TechType when Claim.SalesDate is populated and Measure.DeliveryType equals 'UpDeemed' and Measure.Upstream_Flag equals false and Claim.SalesDate is after 12/31/2023.