Value Lists

Current Claim Year: 2024

Table last updated: 2025-03-13

Quarterly Claims  >  Specification  >  Value Lists  >  MeasImpactType


Measure Impact Type

Table last updated: 2025-03-13

Code Description Start Date End Date
Cust-RCT Custom RCT: uses a randomized-control trial (RCT) or experimental design method 2019-01-01
Cust-NMEC-Site-FuelSub Site-level Normalized Metered Energy Consumption (NMEC) energy impacts for fuel-substitution measures are specified on a custom basis. 2022-01-01
Deem-WP Deemed Workpaper: uses values from an approved workpaper 2019-01-01 2025-12-31
Deem-DEER-FuelSub Deemed DEER Fuel Substitution: uses DEER-adopted values 2019-08-05 2025-12-31
Deem-WP-FuelSub Deemed Workpaper Fuel Substitution: uses values from an approved workpaper 2019-08-05 2025-12-31
Cust-SEM Custom SEM: uses a strategic energy-management method 2019-01-01
Cust-NMEC-Pop-FuelSub Population-level Normalized Metered Energy Consumption (NMEC) energy impacts for fuel-substitution measures are specified on a custom basis 2022-01-01
Cust-SEM-FuelSub Custom SEM: uses a strategic energy-management method involving fuel substitution 2022-01-01
Deem-DEER Deemed DEER: uses DEER-adopted values 2019-01-01 2025-12-31
Cust-Gen Custom Generic: generic, site-specific calculation or using approved tool or method and/or metered data (excluding NMEC, SEM, or RCT offerings) 2019-01-01
DEER Measure can be referenced as part of the DEER ex-ante database 2013-01-01 2018-12-31
Cust-NMEC-Site Site-level Normalized Metered Energy Consumption (NMEC) energy impacts are specified on a custom basis. 2020-01-01
IOU-Custom Custom Measure that requires site-specific impact values 2013-01-01 2018-12-31
Deem Deemed measure 2026-01-01
Cust-NMEC Custom NMEC: uses a normalized, metered energy consumption (NMEC) method following CPUC-staff-issued guidance and an approved M&V/analysis plan 2019-01-01 2019-12-31
NonDEER Non-DEER measure utilizing the Best-Available methods 2013-01-01 2018-12-31
Cust-FuelSub Custom Fuel Substitution: site-specific calculation using approved tool or method 2019-08-05 2025-12-31
Cust-NMEC-Pop Population-level Normalized Metered Energy Consumption (NMEC) energy impacts are specified on a custom basis. 2020-01-01
Cust-NC-AE Custom All-Electric New Construction: site-specific calculation using approved tool or method and/or metered data (excluding NMEC, SEM, or RCT offerings) 2023-01-01 2025-12-31
Deem-WP-NC-AE Deemed measure for All-Electric New Construction: uses values from an approved measure package 2023-01-01 2025-12-31
IOU-Deemed deemed measure is part of an IOU work paper 2013-01-01 2018-12-31