Confirmed Dashboard — Southern California Edison

The summaries on this page include only claims that have been confirmed through 2024; the active submission is not included.

2024Q3 was confirmed by SCE GGolden42 on 6 December, 2024

Quarterly Claims  >  Confirmed Dashboard

Record-level Measure Input and Cost Effectiveness Output

Goal Attainment Summary

On September 28th, 2017 the commission adopted the 2018+ goals based on a modified TRC using a GHG adder based on the ARB cap-and-trade ceiling price in like with IDER. Beginning in 2020, per D.19-08-034, Energy Savings Assistance (ESA) accomplishments do not contribute to IOU goal attainment.

SCE goal attainment values include kW and kWh accomplishments from LCE, SCR and TCR.

Primary Sector Total System Benefit Goal Total System Benefit Claim YTD Total System Benefit % of Goal GWh Goal (Net) GWh Claim YTD (Net) GWh % of Goal (Net) MW Goal (Net) MW Claim YTD (Net) MW % of Goal (Net) MMTherms Goal (Net) MMTherms Claim YTD (Net) MMTherms % of Goal (Net)
IOU $112,534,778.0 $64,213,554.0 57% 0.0 47.0 0.0 4.2 0.0 3.1
Codes and Standards $0.0 $799,249,844.0 1,071.2 916.5 86% 186.5 187.2 100% 0.0 0.0
Total $112,534,778.0 $863,463,398.0 767% 1,071.2 963.5 90% 186.5 191.5 103% 0.0 3.1

Confirmed Claim Summary

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From 2024, the program segment will identify Codes and Standard data. The claim Measure.DeliveryType field previously identified this.

Include in table
Primary Sector Total System Benefit TRC PAC TRC (no admin) PAC (no admin) RIM Total Expenditure First Year Gross kWh First Year Gross kW First Year Gross Therm First Year Net kWh First Year Net kW First Year Net Therm Lifecycle Gross kWh Lifecycle Gross Therm Lifecycle Net kWh Lifecycle NetTherm
Agricultural 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -36,067 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Commercial $41,497,458 1.30 1.33 1.96 2.03 1.29 27,209,483 -15,444,163 958 2,774,759 -18,927,350 556 2,918,490 -151,242,634 27,822,486 -188,498,397 29,233,582
Cross-Cutting $799,833,749 1.52 25.82 1.62 2,476.37 15.48 34,458,694 3,110,921,905 599,210 0 917,577,479 187,334 0 40,492,297,000 0 12,309,993,073 0
Industrial 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 888,475 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Portfolio Support 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16,314,675 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Public $599,690 0.28 0.35 0.60 1.01 0.33 1,728,103 1,847,026 264 0 1,069,243 163 0 24,512,517 0 13,781,881 0
Residential $21,576,952 0.62 0.67 1.19 1.42 0.75 31,601,563 75,772,501 6,474 179,597 79,256,198 6,227 178,009 71,992,963 2,274,531 78,166,386 2,267,380
Portfolio (all Sectors) $863,507,851 1.41 6.86 1.62 19.05 5.99 112,164,928 3,173,097,270 606,908 2,954,356 978,975,571 194,281 3,096,499 40,437,559,847 30,097,017 12,213,442,943 31,500,963